
This blog will outline my geocaching travels. I live in St. Louis, Missouri, and, removing a few during a trip near Chicago, I have basically cached the area. I have almost 600 finds in just over a year of caching.

I normally cache with my father, Lobocs. Sometimes, LilyDell the Geo-Dog comes as well.

Welcome again, and I hope to see you again soon.

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Posted by yawetag on Monday, March 17, 2008
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Profile for yawetag


About Me

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Hello. I'm Andrew, a 29-year-old living near St. Louis, MO. I've been married for 7 years. We currently have one two-year-old son, Sage, with a daughter, Brenna, on the way, due in November. I am a Surveillance Operator at a casino in the St. Louis area. I've been in the casino industry for 7 years, with 5 of them in Surveillance. When I'm not working, I umpire High School baseball and softball, as well as summer leagues for baseball at all ages. I love to go geocaching, which is basically treasure hunting with GPS units. I've been geocaching since March of 2007. I have separate blogs for umpiring and geocaching. See my blog list below for links to the blogs.